Some thoughts of Climate Change
以下是為了今天 (10/15) 的 Blog Action Day 所撰寫的文章,與氣候變遷有關。
為了響應活動,所以先以英文撰寫,過幾天再回來加上中文翻譯。(已加上翻譯 10/18)
其實寫得有點頭昏腦脹,而且似乎寫不出重點… 不過這個議題本來就不小便是。
It was about summer 2005, when I first arrived the UK. It wasn't the frist time for me to pay attention to environmental issues, but the first time to notice Climate Change particularly. In August 2005, I was writing up an essay regarding G8 summit assigned by the English pre-sessional course.
G8 summit 2005 was hosted by the UK and had Climate Change as part of the main issues. It was also the year where Kyoto Protocol entered into force and ironically refused by the US. Most of the content within Kyoto Protocol is about the control of greenhouse gases emission, since these gases were widely believed to be the main course of global warming.
I found it was tricky that the emission of greenhouse gases has become a merchandise. According to Kyoto Protocol, there were long-term goals and short-term objectives for each member to decrease its national greenhouse gas emission amount. The deduction of annually emission become deals among counties, or between poor and rich countries while the rich pay for the poor to establish environmental-friendly infrastructure so that they can have less emission amount to decrease.
I assume that the cost of doing this domestically would be far more expensive than helping foreign countries, particularly developing counties. To some extent this may be an investment on those countries. They are not only the forerunners, but also have good excuses to enter the industry without too much econimical or political concerns.
The meltdown of Polar Regions or glaciers & the rising of sea level are most-discussed issues following global warming. However I feel that the spot lights were misleaded to the survival of polar bears or low altitude coastal countries. What is far more close to us and more emergency should be "Climate Change".
Whichever greenhouse effect or global warming or any other reason result in climate change, the CHANGE itself is far more important than its cause. Because the change of climate brings immediately affects on our daily lives. Typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods and droughts happen more offten or more irregularly. Sharp temperture fluctuation and unbalance rainfalls disorder the growth of plants and other living creatures. We, the human beings, who live depend on those plants, animals, or rainfalls will be surely affected!
不管是溫室效應或全球暖化造成了氣候變遷,這個「變化」本身比起它的肇因更為重要。因為氣候的變遷直接且即時地影響了我們的日常生活。不管是颱風 /颶風、海嘯、水災還是旱災,都發生得更為頻繁與不規則。極端的溫度變化和失衡的降雨直接擾亂了動植物的生長與作息。而我們,身為必需依賴那些動植物維生的人類,自然也無可避免地會受到影響。
These are what need to be noticed or even researched. So that we could be a little bit more capable of predicting and protecting ourselves from coming influences or even disasters result from climate change, such as the terrible flood which took hundreds of lives in my country this August. We have been tracking the source of present climate change, now we should put more attention on dealing with the change it brings. This is as important as slowing down the change.